Welcome To SpiralTrust Lending Page


General Information:

We are glad to announce the introduction of our lending Platform.

As a company committed to building more financial free individuals and community, we have enacted this platform to further provide value added service to our investors.

Today’s commercial borrowers expect a highly personalised and hassle-free loan process.

SpiralTrust have developed a bespoke commercial lending strategy by combining novel uses of data with flexible technology.

We have Transformed our organisation from just an investment management company to also effectively meet client needs and provide exceptional experiences.

Here’s how.
A more streamlined lending experience for everyone

Automated loan applications and integrating our platform with your existing technology and trading will minimise delays and help you.

Investors in SpiralTrust on our Prime and Maxi plans have an open platform to take loans for their businesses, mortgage, health issues , other investment etc through this medium.

Loan Application Details

Maxi Plan Investors:

a) Obtainable Loan - $1,500,000.

b) Payback period - 365 days.

c) Only crypto loans

Prime Plan Investors:

a) Obtainable loan: - $500,000

b) Payback Period: - 365 days

c) Only crypto loans

1. To obtain a loan from SpiralTrust, an Investor must maintain either one of Maxi or Prime Plan, at the end of trading , pending payback of loan, the Investor is only able to withdraw capital till end of loan repayment or approval to debit from earned interests.

2. Investors with up to 15 active referrals qualify to obtain loan from our lending platform, however, pending the repayment of loans , profit return cannot be withdraw from the submitted trading account.

If you qualify for a SpiralTrust loan request , you can obtain a loan in three simple steps.

1. Submit a government issued ID and/or a utility payment bill to info@spiraltrust.com

2. Write a hand written note indicating your request , explain how you intend to pay back and sign with the present date.

3. Submit payment method of choice (Crypto only)

4. Sit back and wait for approval.

5. Use it and get that lambo or reinvest to further grow your income.

Designed by SpiralTrust